
Strength TogetHER 10- Session 10

20 June 2021 Strength TogetHER is a safe virtual space where girls from different backgrounds come together and share their stories. We believe in raising ourselves by lifting up others. We walk with the motto of “girls supporting girls”. We do a total of ten sessions per cohort.  After the completion of nine successful sessions, the final session of the tenth cohort celebrated with ‘Farewell and Memories’. This session was a journey sharing session wherein we all talked and shared about our cohort and in overall Strength TogetHER memories. The hour-long session started with each one of us sharing how we came to know about the sessions and what happened along the line and watching the memories we created together. The stories were so insightful even as a lesson as each participant had something to give as they took away some learning.  The participants shared that they were grateful for the safe, non-judgmental space for sharing stories along with learning. They also shared a...

Strength TogetHER 10- Session 9

  May 15 2021 Strength togetHER is a safe virtual space where girls from different backgrounds come together and share their stories. We believe in rising ourselves by lifting up others. We walk with the motto of “girls supporting girl”.  On 15th of May 2021, we talked about Mensuration in general and how has it been existing in our society under various topics, majorly focusing on health, sanitation and taboos. Our topic for the session was, “Mensuration and Taboos”.  Our session was moderated by Sambriddhi Khanal who is currently working as a School Health Nurse under Ministry of Social Development- Bagmati Province. She is passionate about creating awareness on public health issues and adopting healthy lifestyle for better health outcome. She helps students before they know they need it. She is always striving towards being a better health educator, self-love and body positivity.   We talked about how we have been restricted from so many opportunities just be...

Strength TogetHER 10- Session 8

April 30 2021 Strength togetHER is a safe virtual space where girls from different backgrounds come together and share their stories. We believe in rising ourselves by lifting up others. We walk with the motto of “girls supporting girl”.  On 30 th of April 2021, we talked about ‘Stereotyping’ in general and how has it been prevalent in our society under various topics, majorly focusing on women’s issues. Our topic for the session was, “Stereotypes”.  The session was conducted by one of our members Grishma Paudyal. She’s currently studying Bachelors in Development Studies and is interested in bringing positive changes in the society and loves to create an environment where people exhibits their best qualities. She believes in working together and being open to learning.  We talked about how we, as girls have been restricted from so many opportunities just because of our gender and we are often told that it’s not safe out there but what have every other person contributed ...

Strength TogetHER 10- Session 7

April 29 2021 Strength togetHER is a safe virtual space where girls from different backgrounds come together and share their stories. We believe in rising ourselves by lifting up others. We walk with the motto of “girls supporting girl”.  On the evening of 8 th of April 2021, we talked about ‘Consent’ and how it comes in various layers other than the mostly talked sexual consent. Our topic for the session was, “NO is a full sentence”.  Our session was moderated by Pratikshya Rajopadhyay who is a mental health advocate and practitioner who's passionate about inclusive mental health education, self-love and body positivity. She recently completed her post-graduate degree in counseling psychology. She's a writer and a feminist and believes in the power of storytelling and radical empathy to bring social change. The moderator asked us a question in the very beginning of her feedback that awestruck us. It was “How do you set a boundary?” This question answered our consensual ...

Strength TogetHER 10- Session 6

  A pril 29,2021. Strength togetHER is a safe virtual space where girls from different backgrounds come together and share their stories. We believe in rising ourselves by lifting up others. We walk with the motto of “girls supporting girl”.  On the evening of 15 th of March 2021, we talked about the struggles of being a female in Nepali society and how we are biased and excluded and treated differently just because of our gender. Our topic for the session was, “ Because I was a girl”. Our session was moderated by Shailaja Kharel who is currently pursuing her masters in sociology. Having completed her Bachelor’s degree in social science from National College affiliated to Kathmandu University, she has worked on her own project called “Developing psychological competence” and is an active counselor as well. She is an analytical thinker who believes in understanding the root of mental health issues through socio-psychological perspective. The former President of ‘Rotract Club o...

Strength TogetHER 10 - Session 5

F eb 20,2021. Strength togetHER is a safe virtual space where girls from different backgrounds come together and share their stories. We believe in rising ourselves by lifting up others. We walk with the motto of “girls supporting girl”.  On the evening of 20 th of February 2021, we talked on the topic of “LGBTQ”. Our topic for the session was, “Love wins and it is all that matters.”  Our session was moderated by Mx. Soph Gautam, a queer writer, photographer, and advocate for equality. They recently graduated with a BA in International Relations and Media Communications. They are passionate about feminism, mental health, queer liberation, and fat liberation. They use their photography and art to talk about taboo topics and call attention to social causes. As usual, we started with getting to know our moderator and moved on to hearing from amazing speakers who spoke their heart out and shared personal stories. This session was a little different than usual. We had the most pro...

Strength TogetHER 10 - Session 4

Jan 23, 2021. Strength togetHER is a safe virtual space where girls from different backgrounds come together and share their stories. We believe in rising ourselves by lifting up others. We walk with the motto of “girls supporting girl”.  Addressing the rising concern of mental health issues, we talked about “ Peace of Mind ” on our fourth session. We shared our stories and experience relevant to the topic and talked it out. It became an interactive session with an amazing moderator. Our session was moderated by Shailaja Kharel who is currently pursuing her masters in sociology. Having completed her Bachelor’s degree in social science from National College affiliated to Kathmandu University, she has worked on her own project called “Developing psychological competence” and is an active counselor as well. She is an analytical thinker who believes in understanding the root of mental health issues through socio-psychological perspective. The former President of ‘Rotaract Club of Kathm...